Han Lu

Thanks for visiting my website, I appreciate you! ☺


I had an unconventional path into tech. Halfway through medical school, I decided to take a leave of absence to start learning how to program seriously. Through Harvard's CS50x course and online tutorials, I recognized I had a passion for software development. I ended up attending the part-time program at Fullstack Academy, where I learned a lot about modern tech stacks, best practices, and collaborating with fellow software engineers. I love problem solving and thrive most particularly when I have the opportunity to learn a lot, regardless of what field I'm in.


I have pursued programming from an early age, learning BASIC on a TI-84 calculator as a middle school student, Python as an undergrad at NYU, and Javascript while studying in medical school. In 2022, I attended Fullstack Academy to get a better understanding of web development and receive exposure to more tools to create projects and experiment with. In addition to learning the PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node.js) at Fullstack, I taught myself React Native during the bootcamp to get an introduction to mobile development, and used Expo to create an iOS/Android application to track expenses (using Firebase as a backend, and React Context to manage state).


I began an internship at a music technology SaaS startup, GigFinesse, joining a small engineering team to get a fundamental understanding of data-intensive application design, how codebases/databases are refactored as the company scales, usage of containers like Docker, using third-party tooling for continuous integration and deployment, and widget integration. My time at Gigfinesse has also given me the chance to work with new frameworks, including Typescript, Next.js, and Django while also solidifying my understanding of frameworks/tools I am already familiar with, including React and Material UI.

I hope to bring my energy, work-ethic, and adaptability from medicine to the tech industry. I am always excited to learn new libraries and frameworks! If you would like to work with me, I'm always around to chat on LinkedIn!

This website

I am using this website to build projects and experiment with APIs, libraries, technologies, and otherwise commit to both breaking and making new things! From HTML canvas, to D3.js and particles libraries, to phaser game engines, this site is dedicated mostly to personal tech exploration and learning by application.