Han Lu

    Goji: A Dog-walking App (2022)

    Goji is built using React, Redux, Postgres, Node.js, Sequelize, Express, Material UI, OAuth, Bcrypt, Webpack, cors, dotenv, Google Maps API, Axios, Geocode, RESTful API, Babel, JWT, infinite-scroll and nodemon.

    In terms of the backend, Goji incorporates five database models (users, services, dogs, reviews, service-events). The frontend incorporates MUI-styled React components, the Google Maps API to show dog-walker locations, base-64 image encoding and uses Redux to access app-wide states.

    Expense App (2022)

    An expense app that was built using React Native, with React Context to store state and axios for data fetching. The github code is linked aboved.

    Reservation System (2023)

    A demo RSVP system created with Django/Python, with administrative CRUD features using PostgreSQL as the database. Both the frontend and backend are hosted using render.io, using a virtual environment via Poetry, Gunicorn as the WSGI server, and WhiteNoise/Brotli to serve static files. AWS S3 is used to store uploaded media files.

    Experimentation Personal Website (2023)

    This site was constructed with Next.js, React and Typescript (with Sass/Scss, Material UI and Emotion for styling). . The typescript particles (tsparticles) library was used for the background particle effects.

    Portfolio (2023)

    My portfolio site was designed statically, using only HTML, CSS and Javascript, with a few design libraries used and Formspree to handle server-side contact info submission.